Sound Horizon 4th story Elysion – El no Rakuen [→ Side: E →] – Vietnamese translated

Another translation to pass time and to practice, and I still base on Defade translation version. I like Sound Horizon songs so much that I couldn’t resist to translate them into my own language Vietnamese, and I found out that it’s a fun thing to do in these summer break days. Well, this translation work makes me less remember my old house, my country, my old relatives and friends… all I had in my childhood and in my past, and it also gives me a new look when seeing life, which I always want to do and be curious. Hmm, yes I agree that the meanings of SH’s songs are quite obscure and cruel, but I found that they have their own logic, which is something that people rarely to think about or don’t want to think… Kay, stop chit chat here. This time I want to translate the 1st song of 4th Story Elysion album, which is the one that I think most interesting. Well, I really like Aramary voice, but unfortunately that she left SH now.


This is the original song if you want to hear:



Thiên Đường Của El [-> Side: E ->]

(El no Rakuen [-> Side: E ->]  – El’s Paradise [-> Side: E ->])

 (エルの楽園  [side:E →])

Tôi… có lẽ chưa từng yêu cô ấy một lần trong đời…

Mặc dù vậy, sự tồn tại của em đã mang đến cho tôi môt ý nghĩa đặc biệt.

Tại sao ư? Vì tên của đứa trẻ sơ sinh ấy đã được quyết định từ rất lâu rồi…


– Và, cánh cửa dẫn đến thiên đường không biết đã bao nhiêu lần ấy lại mở ra lần nữa…




Một vệt dài vẽ trên nền đất trắng thấm đẫm những giọt nhỏ màu đỏ thắm mang dấu hiệu của tội lỗi.

Nắm chặt trong tay đồng tiền cũ sét hoen rỉ, người đàn ông mỉm cười thậm chí khi chỉ còn có thể lết đi


Môt nụ cười đáng yêu xuất hiện cuộn xoáy trong tâm trí hắn ta đang ở ngay đây

Cứ như cánh tay này đang vươn tới kết thúc của ảo tưởng, hắn đặt tay mình lên cửa


– Và… sự thật của hắn bỗng chốc héo tàn…


Hãy hướng tới Thiên Đường [Elysion]…


Mỗi lần cô bé ấy khúc khắc ho, cơn đau trong lồng ngực lại ngăn cách cô với mùa xuân

Thậm chí dù chỉ nằm yên trong tấm chăn sờn cũ, cô bé vẫn cứ mơ, không thể quên những ngày tháng ấm áp khi cô biết đến tình yêu.


Như đang thiếp đi, cô bé chìm vào tận sâu lòng nước của thế giới đáng yêu ấy

Cứ như kết thúc của ảo tưởng đang vẫy gọi, cánh cửa ấy mở ra.


– Và… thực tế của cô bé bắt đầu rạn vỡ..


Đi tới Thiên Đường [Elysion] nào…


Này… cha ơi… Loài hoa nào nở trên Thiên Đường thế?

Này… cha ơi… Loài chim nào cất tiếng hót nơi Thiên Đường?

Này… cha ơi… Có phải chúng ta sẽ hết đau khi ở Thiên Đường không?

Này… cha ơi… Chúng ta có thể ở mãi bên nhau tại Thiên Đường ấy chứ?

Này… cha ơi…


Cơn gió đêm đập vào khung cửa sổ. Tiếng thở run run. Căn phòng được thắp sáng lờ mờ. Một cuộc nói chuyện thân tình.

Ánh trăng trống rỗng. Hơi thở trắng buốt. Một căn phòng bẩn thỉu. Môt cô bé với đôi chân mảnh khảnh.


Câu hỏi không ngừng vang lên, lần nữa, và lại lần nữa. Không bao giờ ngừng tò mò về Thiên Đường [paradise].

Ah… cô bé không thể nhìn thấy được nữa – cái xác đang nằm bên cô…


Này… cha ơi…

Gì thế El?

Cha có biết ngày mai là ngày gì ko?

Àh là sinh nhật của cô bé dễ thương nhất trên thế giới này

Con muốn quà sinh nhật là một cuốn sách tranh…


… Ảo mộng của người đàn ông trở thành sự thật tàn khốc… Sự thật của cô bé trở thành một giấc mơ hão huyền

… Thiêng đường của người đàn ông trở thành địa ngục vĩnh viễn… Địa ngục của cô bé trở thành một thiên đường trong nhất thời


… Cha ơi… Cảm xúc nào là tươi đẹp nhất ở Thiên Đường thế?

Này… cha ơi… Tình yêu nào được hát vang lên nơi Thiên Đường?

… Cha ơi… Trái tim chúng ta có ngừng đau đớn khi ở Thiên Đường không?

Này… Cha ơi… Chúng ta có thể cùng ở bên nhau mãi mãi trên Thiên Đường được chứ?


Này… cha ơi… Loài hoa nào nở trên Thiên Đường thế?

Này… cha ơi… Loài chim nào cất tiếng hót nơi Thiên Đường?

Này… cha ơi… Có phải chúng ta sẽ hết đau khi ở Thiên Đường không?

Này… cha ơi… Chúng ta có thể ở mãi bên nhau tại Thiên Đường ấy chứ?

Này… cha ơi…




Ok. That’s enough for today.

B-day Gift Art Reply and My Entry for Eldoodle This Week

Oh Gosh, I was so surprised. This is my late B-day gift from one of my favorite artists on Deviantart, and also my friend, AlicePyxis. I haven’t thought that she would give me an awesome gift like this^^

Well, I like this gift much, and it’s out of my guess too. I used to think that she would use her ZX style to draw my FC like she used to do with my previous art gift and art trade. Anyway, I think it’s ok when she used her own style. It gave me a new sense when seeing Clair Draver in this way, and I see that she has improved her skills a lot.


And about me. I just finished this one last night.

This is for Elsword Eldoodle weekly contest, and I spent 7h hours this. Fortunately, this time I was not too late (the previous one of Ancient Phoru was submitted 2 days after the deadline Lol). But unluckily, this time my drawing was really careless. I like the character model of the owner but it’s quite hard to draw because of many details, and I didn’t have time (I have to take care a lot of artworks, and the most recently is my Prime Marauder one), so I was quite hurry with this. That’s why my line was not good and the artwork looked like my drawing a few years ago OMG. The only thing that maybe I like best was the background, and it’s quite surprising that I just spent 30 minutes to do it. However, this is just a doodle, so I think it’s ok, though spending 7 hours is quite slow for doodling I guess.

Sound Horizon 5th story Roman -Miezaru Ude- Vietnamese translated

I’m bored. There are so many things happening these days and my thoughts now are like a mess. I have to figure out some ways to deal with my problem. It may take a while for me to find my inspiration again, so at this time I want to find something to do for relaxing and cooling down.

How’s about translating something to pass time? I guess it’s a good way. It’s one of my hobbies too. Sounds weird huh? At least because I think I can find something that I’m interested in, and so, I can temporarily forget my trouble. Moreover, it may good for practicing language.

Let’s see. These day I’m quite obsessed by this song. I think every Sound Horizon fan knows about this. Yeah, its name is Miezaru Ude (known as The Invisible Arm or The Unseen Arm), one of the songs from Roman album, the 5th Story (Horizon). I like this song and its meaning much as well as the melody and voice, though sometimes I wonder if I understood it completely. Maybe my perspective is different from the others, but I think it’s ok, as long as Sound Horizon‘s purpose is to find ‘your-own-feelings’ when you heard the songs (well, it depends on yourself). And I won’t translate it into English (somebody did it very well), but in Vietnamese. I know there are some people in my former country did it before, but I still want to do it. First, it’s because Vietnamese is my mother tongue, and I’m ‘quite’ really good at it Lol (I used to be a remarkable student in literature classes when I was in Vietnam XD). Second, I want to practice the translating, which I can use my own style of Vietnamese writing and I want it’s my own translation. Third, I just want to practice English, and that’s all.


Here’s the song Miezaru Ude:

If you like to read the translation in this Youtube clip, go ahead. Personally I will use the English translation of Defade on SH fansite White Crow (just google and you will find it).


Ok. Here we go!


Cánh Tay Vô Hình 

(Miezaru Ude – The Invinsible Arm) 



Vào những đêm dài theo thức, hắn trút cơn giận của mình lên con mèo cái bẩn thỉu [chatte] nơi con hẻm tối…

Ah… bóp nghẹt lấy cánh tay vô hình ấy…

Ảo mộng hão huyền [Fantome de vere]. Đau đớn thay lòng kiêu hãnh bị nghiền nát…


Một phút giây tỉnh táo trong cơn say, hắn quằn quại trong lâu đài [chateau] nơi gác mái…

Ah… Cơn đau thấu buốt từ cánh tay vô hình…

Nỗi đau ảo tưởng [fantome donleur]. Ngập chìm trong hơi men thứ rượu rẻ tiền, hắn thiếp đi…


“Theo chân tướng quân Alvarez—————-!!”


Khu rừng già cỗi của ác thú, nhuốm màu trong ánh hoàng hôn… hai người đàn ông chạm mặt nhau trên chiến trường…

Kỵ sĩ tóc vàng [Laurant], kỵ sĩ tóc đỏ [Laurant]…

Mâu thuẫn cứ thế chồng chất… thây người chất chồng như núi…

Ai là kẻ gây chiến?… Ai là kẻ phải gánh chịu hậu quả?

Trong bóng tối của ánh tà dương, thanh kiếm rực sáng thẫm sắc đỏ –


Cuộc đời hắn [sa vie], tước đi cùng cánh tay ấy…

Hắn thất nghiệp, và người tình cũng bỏ đi…

Điều tồi tệ nhất trên đời, còn gì hơn khi mọi thứ mất đi và bị tước mất…

Sống trong nỗi hãi hùng vật vã của những cơn đau bất chợt…


“Thường khi [le plus souvent]… chàng đánh em khi bị kích động bởi những cơn ác mộng…

Và nếu cứ như thế… một ngày nào đó em sẽ chết mất thôi.

Tạm biệt [au revoir]… Em yêu chàng hơn bất kỳ ai…

Nhưng… em không nghĩ rằng chàng sẽ trở thành một người cha [pere] tốt cho đứa trẻ trong bụng em…”


Rượu vang [du vine]… champange [du champange]… brandy [de l’eau-de-vie]


Ah… xé toạc sự bình yên của cánh rừng say ngủ… hắn lại xuất hiện…

Môt bóng hình trên yên ngựa… một cơn ác mộng thực sự… tóc xoã bay, hắn vung lên chiếc lưỡi hái của tử thần…

Bóng hình kẻ săn đầu người… chiếc cối xay quay vòng… những đoá hoa rực màu bung nở… một trí lực sắc bén hùng cường…

Nhẹ nhàng khoác trên mình tấm áo của bóng tối-


Thực tại này đang thức tỉnh, hay hắn vẫn đang mê sảng trong những giấc mơ?

Là nguyên căn, chính nó… mà cuộc đời hắn về sau mắc kẹt trong cạm bẫy của sự khổ đau… ngập chìm trong rượu và sự điên dại…

Vết sẹo chữ thập nơi má trái, rực cháy mái tóc đỏ lửacặp mắt nâu

Giết hắn… cánh tay buốt lên, {Cánh tay vô hình} thấu buốt…


Ai là kẻ gây chiến?… Ai là nạn nhân?… lùng kiếm dấu vết tử thần và thiêu sống hắn…


“Ta sẽ giết ngươi!”  


Kỵ sĩ [chevalier] lên yên ngựa lần nữa… Thời khắc thay đổi thế giới diễn ra trong im lặng…

Hai người đàn ông [Laurant] đối mặt lần nữa nơi quán rượu phương xa…


Một mắt và một tay… say sưa bí tỉ và chết chóc…

Ah… nào còn một chút, sót lại đây dấu vết oai hùng xưa kia của hắn…


Một chàng trai từ đâu chợt xông vào, trong tay là thanh kiếm đen [epee noir]

(“Tránh đường cho ta.” “Woah!”)

Thứ chất lỏng [sang] toé ra mang màu hắc tưởu [pinot noir]

(“Thằng khốn… Ngươi… ngươi là ai… Aahh!”)

Đoá hoa dâng tặng từ nhát đâm ấy xưng danh – “Chào buổi tối” [bon soir]

(“Bon Soir.”)

Rút kiếm ra, và cái tên của bài ca mang đến sự sống này là – “Vĩnh biệt” [au revoir]

(“Au Revoir.”)


Tên của kẻ vừa đổ gục là Laurant… Tên người bỏ trốn là Laurencin…

Laurant còn lại… Đứng lặng chết trân, bàng hoàng…


Ai là kẻ gây chiến?… Ai là kẻ chịu đựng? Nạn nhân cứ thế không ngừng tăng lên

Xoay vòng… mãi xoay vòng… chiến cối xay của thù hận… Nhảy múa… mãi nhảy múa… như ngọn lửa bập bùng

Ah… trong bóng tối của cây cột nhà… bóng hình một cậu bé… đứng nhìn… với cặp mắt nâu


“Không thứ gì mãi đúng trên thế gian này cả, nhưng chính nỗi đau này đã minh chứng rằng ta đã sống” 


Hạ màn vở kịch của sự thù hận… và người đàn ông ấy bắt đầu nghĩ-

Về cánh tay còn lại… về cuộc đời còn lại… ý nghĩa vô hình của nó-

Một cốc rượu rót đầy tận miệng… vị nồng của nó vẫn còn đọng lại trong tim…


“Liệu có câu chuyện [Roman] nào có thể được tìm thấy ở đây chăng?”


Phew, that’s it. It’s quite hard to translate (oh, not because I don’t understand but I must find Vietnamese words that fit best to it^^). Enjoy!

[FC] Cross: Prime Marauder – upper concept –

Oh my, after several months stuck in a lot of ideas (and most of them were really weird and nonsense), I could came up with this design. Finally…

(Note: Something came into my head with his collar, so I decided to test and see which of them is cooler and better.)

This is the concept for one of the 1st jobs change for my Elsword FC named Cross Shievaro. The name of the job is Prime Marauder. The basic design for his original non-job was done last year, but it had some problems with the stance and lineart (the only thing I was satisfied was its CG), so I made another one with waist-up pose. However, I had another mistake when adding so many details and the way I drew was actually used for 2nd jobs design. That’s why I failed again.  I wanted to redesign him but I was so lazy and busy, so let’s see if I have a chance later.

Btw, I had idea for his 1st job design and backstory, so I did it as soon as I could see the image in my head. It took me a while though because of some reasons. First I was very confused because I had seen the art of Grand Chase Lass, and its details were neat. I was obsessed by it because my Cross is also a Marauder which is quite similar to an assassin (actually his 2nd job in this Prime path is an Assassin already^^;), and it’s become my problem. However, because Cross is FC for Elsword so I  had to use another style. Moreover, I don’t want to be a copycat and always want my characters to have their own styles and features suitable for their characteristics, so I stopped that idea (it’s quite hard though). Then I had his image in my head, but still hadn’t figured out how his outfit looked like. I later thought of Marchen of Sound Horizon and Assassin’s Creed, and Cross’s image was clearer to me, so I started my work with the first step was organizing the details of him. While doing it, I deleted some details to make the design more simple. It’s not easy. What I stuck at that time was the harmonization of his pose and details. I didn’t want his design to be so simple because it will ruin my previous Aerial Assassin concept (I created his 2nd job before doing this), nor make it complicated because that’s not for the 1st job traditional design. That’s always my problem when designing 1st job Q_Q

At last I did it, but I didn’t have time to make the full body concept (and it’s harder too). Another reason is with this angle it’s really hard to show the full body with perfect proportion (it’s an angle that I rarely draw and when I tried to sketch the full body, it became weird), so instead of drawing the full proportion, I saved it for another canvas of him that I made earlier but just finished a part of his head (I’m still practicing how to draw his eyes look the same way as other Elsword official characters Lol), and focused on his outfit details.

And when I had made his visual design, I had the idea for his job’s background. It’s the continuation of his backstory that I made when I finished his non-job and posted it on my gallery. Actually if you play Elsword, you will know that there are 2 (but now is 3 Lol) paths for a character’s job. I made Cross follow that rule too. His 1st jobs are Prime Marauder (this design), Harsh Marauder and Trickster Marauder. The other two I will make later because now I don’t have so many ideas (I got the basic but… the same problem as Prime Marauder concept). Ok, stop talking about this. This is the background story for Prime Marauder. I like this story because it may be the deepest one between three backgrounds. I tried everything to make it unique and not sound-like Raven’s story, and I think I did it.


So, the Backstory of Prime Marauder:


To become a slaver of devil, that’s the thing which Cross had never wanted.

Every time he thought about his past, every night he submerged in the nightmares, he was haunted by what he had done.

The crimes he had committed was a truth that he couldn’t deny or run away, so he accepted to face it, even if it meant the punishment and the pain he suffered was more terrible than a torture.

But Cross was not a person who just knew how to regret yet did nothing. He always remembered his duty as a Guardian of El Stone and he would do every thing he could to restore the peace and the order in Elios as well as redeemed for this sins.

However, the evil that lurked into him constantly tried to take over his soul again when it had a chance, and Cross feared that. He did everything to resist it, but the wound in the past that Fantome had caused to his soul was too serious and it might never be healed. Moreover, Cross’s power now was not enough for him to destroy Fantome, nor even protected himself from being engulfed in darkness, and he could lose himself again, forever.

He didn’t want the tragedy to be replay, nor became the enemy of the world. He didn’t want anybody to sacrifice…

Fortunately, at the moment he struggled with his another ego and almost lost, the alchemists in Elios saved his life by inventing a potion that could keep his mind stable, so he could maintain his true self. However, he acknowledged that this wouldn’t last long because Fantome was not a normal devil and its pwer was incredible that could easily defeat him anytime. Despite of that, the Elios people helped him a lot to buy time for him and he didn’t want to waste it. While training hard to keep his spirit strong at the same time as fighting against the devil, Cross was searching for a way to restore his power because he knew that was the only way he could win this battle.

Cross’s combat skills and knowledge had been expert for a long time he was in battlefield, and now with his hard training, his special abilities and potential in melee combat was awaken again. Combining with the demon’s power that he channeled it into his advantage, his strength now was even beyond the best marauders and assassins in Elios. And with his title “Prime Marauder”, Cross became a rival that his enemies should beware and scared. Watch out for the daggers danced their deadly melody of lament!


It sounds good, doesn’t it? Because Prime Marauder is the closest job to Cross’s story, I put hard on it and tried not to make him a typical pure hero like Elsword or Blade Master Raven. Yeah, he’s still in the way of a dark hero. I think it’s cooler to make the story like this, so it will match with his Aerial Assassin’s backstory later. And this is more little hint about it. This job’s backstory focuses on the part of his characteristic of maturity, coldness, complexity and mystery (the other characteristics still appear but not so clear as these), while in the opposite Harsh Marauder, we can see a heartless, evil, rebellious and warlike Cross. The last one Trickster Marauder I haven’t figured it out but it may follow the path of his teasing, energetic and wicked side. However, at this time I want to focus on the Prime first, so I can make him better.

ZX Gigamix _ Track 6 translation

Another translation for Rockman ZX Soundsketch ZX Gigamix , also made by my friend Venom00 (on DeviantArt). This time he translated Track 6: ZX Portrait_ Death and Witch, which is one of my favorite track in the CD. The track focuses on Prometheus and Pandora at the time after the final Serpent incident in ZX game. I like this track not only because of the voice but also because of these duo (yeah, they are cool like hell^^)

The other tracks may be translated, or may be not. I don’t know because the Soundsketch-es are full of noise, which makes the voices harder to hear, so my friend is not sure about  doing on these. But, I hope to see the translation of them someday.


The drama track from original ZX Gigamix:


The translation:

Citizen A: “Arrrgggh help me!!!”
Citizen B: “Run! It’s the Irregular!”
Pandora: “Wait for me, onii-chan!”
Prometheus: “Hurry up! The Irregular is coming! …Let’s hide in here!”
Pandora: “Onii-chan…I’m scared…!”
Prometheus: “Quiet! It’s gone… Let’s get out of here…! Ah…!”
Pandora: “Ah wait! …Huaaa!”
Prometheus: “Arg what are you doing?! Let’s go!”
Pandora: “Yes…!”
Prometheus: “Shit… We’re surrounded! Shit… Shit!!!”

Computer: “Restored cluster of memory found. Establishment of predetermined link verified.
Target cluster of resistance produced. Temporary mind stabilization of subject executed.
Maintenance completed. Opening capsule.”
Prometheus: “A dream, huh…”
Pandora: “Good morning, Prometheus.”
Prometheus: “Pandora… You woke up earlier huh. Shit… This healing capsule is
uncomfortable as hell. Couldn’t that Albert at least notice that?
Pandora: “You had that dream?”
Prometheus: “Yeah. Kinda… How long have we been asleep for? And the situation?”
Pandora: “A lot has happened after Serpent was defeated by Model ZX. Legion is making
its move after the disaster of Serpent Company.”
Prometheus: “Albert is covering things up faster than we thought. Those Trinity geezers
are unexpectedly good.”
Pandora: “The next mission briefing from albert has yet to come. What should we do?”
Prometheus: “That bastard is not making a move huh. Even after testing Model V on
Serpent, or making enemy of Model ZX… He must have noticed by now. That’s
not all the Ultimate RockMan should have. That bastard is still continuing
with this game.
Pandora: “The Game of Destiny…to find the Ultimate RockMan. The battle of the RockMen…”
Prometheus: “Right… If that’s the case, what we have to do is already decided. Let’s start
looking for the remaining Model Vs. Pandora, gather all the information on the rest
of Model Vs and put them on the monitor.”
Pandora: “Understood.”

Soldier A: “Take cover! Reinforcement is coming! …Shit. We got the readings of some kind of
energy but…what’s with this type of Irregular? What the hell are those mercenary
we hired doing?! Can’t you do something as their leader?!”
Soldier B: “Not good. They’re not responding. With this many Irregulars, I think the mercenery
are done for already. We should just give up and run!”
Soldier A: “Don’t fuck with me! This work… This investigation… Are you saying we should
just run when we’re this close?! Arrggghh!!!”
Soldier B: “Hey…get a grip!”
Soldier A: “Sh…it… Is it it…?!”
Prometheus: “Too many…you Irregular punks. Clear a path to Model V already!”
Soldier B: “He defeated the Irregular…with just one hit… What power.”
Soldier A: “I-I-I don’t know who you are but please help us! I’ll give you money or whatever
you want! At this rate we don’t stand a chance against those Irregulars!”
Prometheus: “Hm… You trash.”
Soldier A: “Why…?”
Prometheus: “You’re just another enemy. Model V attracts Irregulars. The Irregulars draw
out the new RockMan. You trash who can’t stand against these Irregulars have no place
in this game!”
Soldier B: “Reaper… Grim Reaper…! It’s the Grim Reaper!!! ARGGHHH!!!”
Prometheus: “Engage them already, Pandora.”
Pandora: “Take this.”
Prometheus: “Now…make way so I can get to Model V! You Irregular pieces of shit! Hahahahah!
Now come! Let’s meet again in this game!”
Pandora: “When that time comes, destruction will also come. Everything… Everything, will be destroyed.”
Prometheus: “Just you wait, Albert…and you RockMen! Isn’t this fun…? No corpses… Just a game of dolls!!!”



And the illustration for this, like the one in Girls Bravo:


ZX Gigamix _ Track 13 translation

This is the translation for Track 13 of Rockman ZX Soundsketch ZX Gigamix named ZX Portrait: Girls Bravo.

My partner did this, not me (I don’t know Japanese^^), and I appreciate his work because I haven’t seen any translation for this on the Internet. I wonder, why don’t people translate it? Maybe because it’s too long and has a lot of voices and noises in the scene when Aile, Prairie and Fleuve was on the main street, which made the track quite complicated. Despite it, this is really a good drama track for the series Rockman/Mega Man ZX because of the attractive voices and the moods setting in it, and it also extends the storyline of ZX franchise, explaining more about what happened in the transition of ZX and ZX Advent. I really like this track and have been looking for the translation of it but there’s nothing on the net, until I got this from my friend. And he also promise to translate the other ones, which made me excited. I hope he will not forget it (well, he’s absentminded sometimes I guess^^).


The drama track from original ZX Gigamix:


And here is the translation (woa, it’s long. Well, because the track is more than 9 minutes…O.o) :

Prometheus: “Persistent, aren’t you? However…don’t underestimate Model V.”
Pandora: “You can’t interfere.”
Aile: “That’s my line… Go!”
Pandora: “Model V is…destroyed…!”
Prometheus: “Tsk she’s really done it… Let’s go, Pandora. A scrapped Model V is of no use anymore. Until then…Rockman Model ZX.”
Pandora: “Farewell.”
Aile: “Ah… Geez what’s wrong with them…!”

Prairie: “With this…Aile has successfully destroyed the tenth of Model V. We understand that Prometheus’s goal is to assemble all the Model Vs but…it’s unlikely that we have defeated them. Apart from this, although there have been so many battles already…they’re clearly keep Aile alive on purpose. But why…?”
Fleuve: “Um…Prairie-san. You’ve been researching for ten hourse straight already. Please rest a little bit…”
Prairie: “I’m sorry, Fleuve. I still can’t gather all the pieces together. I should keep going for a bit longer.”
Fleuve: “Y-yes…”
Prairie: “For what purpose is Prometheus trying to collect the Model Vs? How many Model Vs are there really? …Not good. I finally have more old data but…why?”
Fleuve: “Hmm…this is a problem.”
Aile: “Fleuve!”
Fleuve: “Ah Aile-san.”
Aile: “Is Prairie…still doing research?”
Fleuve: “I think Prairie-san has been uneasy ever since we got more information
about Model V after the Serpent incident.”
Aile: “But then…wouldn’t she collapse at this rate?”
Fleuve: “That’s right. What to do…”
Fleuve&Aile: “Hmmm…”
Aile: “That’s it!”
Fleuve: “Aile-san!”
Aile: “Hey Prairie, let’s go out and play for a bit!”
Prairie: “Aile… I’m sorry. Right now I’m composing a mission plan from your report.
We can’t get our hopes up just yet after Model V’s awakening in that incident
with Serpent. The promised spring thunder… Something big is going to happen…
I’m getting this uneasy feeling. I’m just not in the mood to be worried or glad at all.”
Aile: “That’s why! …Because you’re precisely not in the mood that you don’t need to
feel not in the mood right now! Now just go! You get it, right?”
Prairie: “Ah wai- don’t pull me so hard! …But where are we going?”
Aile: “Just right when I want to see all the stuff on the main street… Let’s go and see
them now! It’ll be fun. I’ll choose something nice for you to wear!”
Prairie: “E-eh…?”

Clerk: “What do you think about this one?”
Aile: “See? You really look good in that dress! …Yep, you’re cute!”
Prairie: “C-cute?”
Fleuve: “Oh man you’re pretty, Prairie-san!”
Prairie: “Am I…?”
Aile: “It’s decided then! Um Miss clerk? I want this one!”
Clerk: “I’m sorry. This item is currently out of stock. New ones of this size
is only available next year.”
Aile: “Eh?! For a whole year?!”
Clerk: “My deepest apology. We’ve been through a lot after the Serpent Company
incident. Surely you’ve heard of that?”
Prairie: “I see… I’m sorry. We’ll come back at another time. Let’s go, Fleuve.”
Fleuve: “Prairie-san…”
Aile: “No way…”

Clerk: “Thank you very much.”
Aile: “Hey Prairie…”
Prairie: “I’m sorry Aile. I’ve seen how much the people suffered earlier. It’s just
not the right time after all… Right now the researching department is downloading
the data from Model H (Hunter in background: “Ashe! Hurry it up, will ya?) and other
LiveMetals. We don’t know much about the situation revolving around Model V
(Aile: “”What should we do Fleuve? Isn’t this bad?!”) without his data.
(Fleuve: “I know but…!”) And…we (Waitress: “Welcome back, Master!”) still don’t
know Prometheus’s goals. That’s right… Prometheus used to attack the Guardian Base…”
Ashe: “Bosh!”
Citizen A: “Hey. Aren’t those two look strange?”
Citizen B: “That old man somehow is really weird… (Fleuve: “Aile-san, please calm down!”)
Is he her lover?”
Citizen B: “Are you a moron? The hell is that? (Fleuve: “Right Prairie-san?”)”
Aile: “Prairie?”
Prairie: “Indeed I don’t know about the replacement. Day after day I just think about the
world’s peace in vain. I can’t dress fashionably… Indeed I can’t do that. But I… But I…!”
Citizen A: “What’s wrong with you? Do you have some business with us?”
Aile: “Oopsie sorry! It’s nothing! Sorry for getting in the way!”
Fleuve: “Now let’s go, Prairie-san!”
Citizen A: “What was that all about? But…that girl is really cute! (Ashe: “That’s why I said
it’s troublesome! Hey are you even listening?!”)”
Citizen B: “Really peaceful, no?”

Waitress: “Welcome! May I ask how many of you are there?”
Fleuve: “Um three people.”
Aile: “Prairie…(Waitress: “Please come this way!”) Um…”
Prairie: “I’m sorry. I should have been more careful but…”
Aile: “…You messed up again?”
Prairie: “Eh?”
Aile: “Earlier you just made a mistake for nothing. When they’re at their limit, it’s fine for
girls to laugh more, you know.”
Prairie: “But…I’m trying my best so that everyone can have peace…”
Aile: “But even if there is peace in the world, it would be meaningless if you can’t be happy.
That’s why you…everyone of the Guardians should live each moments to the fullest.”
Prairie: “Aile…”
Aile: “Seeing you messed up out of nothing earlier…it just felt painful. At this rate, you’ll
forget how to laugh.”
Prairie: “…”
Aile: “That’s why… Laugh, okay? You’re really cute when you smile. That guy earlier said so too!”
Prairie: “Is…that so…?”
Aile: “Was it just my imagination then?”
Prairie: “Geez, Aile…”
Aile: “Yep, that! A smile!”
Fleuve: “Sorry for making you two wait!”
Aile: “Thanks, Fleuve.”
Prairie: “Hm? Aile did you cut yourself?”
Aile: “Ah this? It’s nothing much. Apply a little cream and it’ll be fine… That’s right did you
hear? Recently there’s this type of cream that would clean the wound and get it healed
immediately. Incredible, right?”

Prairie: “Aile let’s go. Let’s go get that cream.”
Aile: “Eh? Ah sorry. I was just thinking about that…”
Prairie: “Erring is not good. Girls should be selfish once in a while, right?”
Aile: “Ehe I’m glad… Thanks. Then should I get you something too? Recently you’ve been getting
cuter and cuter.”
Prairie: “Really? But I’m not all that fashionable…”
Aile: “It’s alright. I’m not that cool either. Ehe… Let’s go.”
Fleuve: “Ah? Um (Prairie: “Hey Aile, how much do you know about that cream?”) how about the bill?!
Wait you two please wait (Aile: “Hm I’m not sure… Let’s go get it together then!”)!”
Waitress: “Sir? Shall I charge you now?”
Fleuve: “Ah that’s… Umm… Prairie-san!”

Prairie: “I’m sure the day we have to fight will come again. Even until now, I still don’t know if
the battles have started or not. But… Just for today…I can act like a normal girl…right?
…Thank you, Fleuve. Thank you, Aile.”



And I also had the illustration for this track from the Gigamix booklet:

Wow, what I can say is: “Kawaii desu”. Really love the drawing of Hitoshi Ariga (he’s the author of Mega Man Megamix and Gigamix manga, and also the illustrator who made the cover of Mega Man Tribute official hardcover^^)

Oh My, Late Again.

This was made for Elsword NA weekly drawing contest, but unfortunately, I was late (2 days after the deadline OMG=.=), so good bye my dream of K-ching Lol.

I like this pet Ancient Phoru in Elsword (and also love the game so much^^). Don’t know why. Just because I think it’s cool, especially its special kinds for ArchAngel set and ArchDevil set. It somehow, well, looks like a small horse I think. However, I don’t play with real money (K-ching) so having one is just my dream (and I’m lazy to raise it Lol).

However, it’s not my most favorite pet in the game. I guess maybe I like Wyvern pet more because it’s more like a dragon, and I like dragon so much. Unfortunately, it hasn’t released in NA server yet. Well, long way to wait. That’s everything I can do now. I also like Mystic, a type of pet looks like a cute robot lolita, but when I heard its noise in the game when it spun, I rethink, and somehow I felt quite annoyed. Of course I don’t hate it.

And about this pic, nothing’s more special than a rush artwork, or a doodle in my opinion (actually the time is so much for a doodle Lol). I completed it in 4 or more hours, with a rush lineart for the Ancient Phoru and quick CG-ing. I don’t have time, especially when stuck in the final exam><. Well, I think it’s not a bad thing for a quick artwork, though in my perspective, it’s worse than my other artworks when I worked seriously. I couldn’t really make a background so I borrowed the scene of Ruben instead and draw something for the grass. And, it’s ashamed that I didn’t know how to draw a tree. I’ve read the tutorial befor but I couldn’t imagine and do it because it took so much time and patience and I didn’t know exactly the method. I felt so bad, and it plus more to my mood these days. Well, I should try harder and get my optimism again or something will be worse.

Something before the final exam. Meme half progress.

Oh well, long time have no post. I haven’t forgotten or abandoned this blog, really, I don’t intended to do that. Just because I have a bad cold these days and it makes me very tired. Plus, my final exam is near, so I want to save time to focus on it. Actually I know that this examination is nothing to me because these class I’m learning are very easy, but I still want to be hard-working to improve my English (though the fact is that I’m not so really hard^^;). I decided to skip classes in the next semester, so I asked my teacher for giving me the permission to take the placement test again cuz I wanted to learn in the class that  fit to my level. And the result of the test was really good. I skipped 4 classes and jumped to the highest class that the test allowed me to pass. I was happy but I was also worry because the level of the class I got is quite high comparing to my level now I think. However, I asked everyone and they encouraged me that I should do what I had from the test and so it gave me more confidence. And because of the grade of the test, my teacher was so kind to offer me a job as a college tutor. I was so glad because I’m crazy to find a part-time job that is suitable for me (well, my health doesn’t allow me to do everything) and now I will have a job I want. I hope that everything will go well because this job is useful to me. I can learn more and have more chance to practice, as well as getting more experience. Well, but that’s the future story. Now I must take care of the final exam first. I don’t want bad grades, so I guess I must push myself more in these days when my head is always in somewhere Lol.

But everything can’t make me stop doing what I like. Well, I use my little free time to draw besides playing Elsword and watching Shining Hearts, though in these days my drawing speed is too bad. However, I manage to get some ideas, but I doubt if I can do them Lol. Well, they’re mostly for my FC Cross/Kurosu. But, leave him behind for the next time. Now I’m happy that I can go the half-way of this (it took me several months I think cuz I don’t have time)


I borrowed this meme from the Deviantart and was interested in it. And luckily, my FCs for HE is more than enough for this. However, I want to test a new style so it took me some time. I decided not to use MMZX style but my own style instead. Will continue to work until it finish. So, please see it as a preview (well, 100% is better than 50% zooming, but…^^)

H.E Voice Test part 1

Long time no think about my fiction (i was too busy and had no inspiration so I left it and wait until I can continue to do it again though I’m doubtful about the possibility) and I’ve suddenly got this surprise.

This is just a sample to test the voice for 2 main characters in my fiction based on Mega Man ZX series called Mega Man ZX Holy Era. I didn’t make it. It was made and posted by one of my partners whose nickname is Venom00 (RM2312ed on Youtube). He made this couple of days ago by borrowing the voice from the anime and sent it to me. Well, it makes me excited, and maybe it’s one of the rare things that I can feel happy with in these stressful days. To be honest, I’m bad at voice and remembering the name of the seiyuu (actually it hard for me remember names generally), so I can only imagine how my characters’ voices hear like but never make it. I mean, find suitable voices for them.

And this sample is really good. Not mention about the voices but just the reason that these two guys are my most favorite FCs (or OCs at sometimes when I don’t like to put them in the setting of the fiction) of all the time is enough to make me excited.


(Fawnix: “It’s really tragic. The majority of people wish not with good intentions…but with evil intentions under the name of greed.”

Noir: “There’s no exception. I’ve decided. I’ll kill you myself. Just exactly how I like it…”)


Oh well, the first picture (of Fawnix) is what I drew a long time ago, but the second one for Noir/Reino is not what I made. Actually I’ve never completed Noir’s concept before. That’s why I haven’t got a real CG palette for him. Now I must think about it. I’ll certainly draw him someday. However, I’m afraid of my style. Recently I haven’t been able to draw with my old ZX style. I don’t know why, maybe I haven’t used it for a long time. Another reason may be because I’ve been affected by the style of the other series that I know such as Elsword, Code Geass, Roman… I’m so confused. It’s really hard to follow one style when you know so many others, and mixing style is something certainly happens. However, when the style is mixed, they won’t follow the original, and the spirit or expression will be different a lot. That’s what I’m worrying about. Before I couldn’t make Noir concept because his design is cruelly hard to draw (I must say that I admire what I have in my head Lol), but now when my skill is improved and I have my own good equiment (thanks to my Wacom that helps me a lot in drawing these times), I can’t make it in ZX-look-like style. Oh man, that’s really troublesome. I have to find a way to solve this.

Oops, it seems I’m off topic =”=. Well, about the voice… Sound cool, huh?^^ I really like the voice of Hiroki Touchi here. It fits Fawnix’s personality very well (and the quote is good too^^). The same as Noir with Tomokazu Seki, though I think it lacks something for this character (actually I think the later part is better). I mean, his coldness and heartlessness has something more to do with it. Maybe because his personality is deeper than what we can see. However, I think it’s just my sense, maybe because I put to much hope and effort in this character (he’s still the one I like most, especially on days when I’m feeling down)… Anyway, my friend did his good job for this.

And about my FCs, maybe I will talk more about them later when I have time. There’s something I want to make clear about them, not for anyone knew about my project before but also for me to figure their personality out better because of their complex thoughts and characters. For me they are interesting, and I love them so much along with my other FCs (but maybe more than the others^^). So I’ll definitely do it.