New Artworks These Weeks

I’m being addicted to an anime called Nurarihyon no Mago these days. That’s why I haven’t had time (well, just an nonsense excuse reason I’ve got here^^) to write any post. Nah, it’s true that I’m enjoying my summer break, but I have so many things in my head that I want to do them all, and the result is, I don’t have time for every thing. Indeed, sometimes I think I’m a greedy person, or to be exact, a perfectionist and a workaholic. I always have a lot of ideas, so many that I can’t decide which one I should do first, and once I start to do something with that idea, I want the result I gain is at least acceptable. I usually set a high standard and get myself busy with it in oder to  feel that I don’t waste time in this life, or to let myself not think about what I don’t want to think or about negative things, so I can find a better way to deal with my real problem later… Of course what I do is what I want to do, and I rarely force myself to do what I don’t like if it’s not an obligation or a duty that necessary to do for my and the others’ sakes (sometimes it becomes my disadvantage^^;).

K, that’s time for a little chit-chat. Btw, let’s change the atmosphere. I will show you something that I did in these weeks’ mean time. Another artworks of mine. I just like to do this, drawing, painting… It makes me more love myself and be more optimistic. This time I want to do something different. I want to try other kinds of brush. Like I told you, I’m watching Nurarihyon no Mago now, and I was interested in the prologue scene when they introduce Nurarihyon. That’s the scene they draw in Chinese/Japanese brush style, and I like it. So I tried to analyze it and make a brush to see if it’s similar to what they used in the scene. And the result is like this:

Unfortunately, it’s not so look-a-like Lol, because I used ‘crayon’ and the brush ‘Paper’ with some adjustment for this, while in the original picture it looks exact like the traditional Japanese painting. I guess I should try another brush for the next time. Hope it will be better. Btw, I like this time’s artwork, seems to be I’ve got something new and different from the previous times. I’m glad and I want to try it more. Ah, and if anybody want to see the original picture that I based on, here it is. Well, good for a comparison:

From Nurarihyon no Mago series (Translation: Nurarihyon’s grandson. English release: Nura: Rise of the yokai clan). I think this guy looks cool^^

Oh, and about the character in my pic. I chose my old Arez (full name is Arez Tigrismachiney =>quite long and weird for a name eh^^;;) to test the new style this time. It’s been a long time since I last drew him, cuz I want to find some way to change my drawing style for this FC. This time, I love to draw his eyes (I rarely draw small and sharp eyes like that), but I failed at making him look like a boy. Talking more about this, this FC is an murderous assassin in spite of his childish appearance (Actually he’s not a child. There’s a story behind this and a reason why he keeps this appearance though his age and mind are the same as an adult). That’s why I want him to look like a child with a cold and heartless eyes to show his dangerous and emotionless… and it becomes the hardest part when drawing this guy, and I haven’t succeeded in this=.= I need to try more. However, I think this time when I choose the color and the CG style, it’s somehow suitable for him. Yeah, a lot (it’s hide some wrong point when I draw his hair, which I used to be complained that it’s quite complicated^^;). And I like how I made the splashing blood. Some times I enjoy doing this, don’t know why. Well, it’s not so hard to do the effect, but to make it ‘logical’, it needs to be quite careful.

Ah, and the last week is for another Eldoodle. This is the pic for this time:

I made it quite fast, and my new record is 3 hours. Indeed I didn’t intend to do the entry this time, cuz I was so busy with anime Nurarihyon Lol (again^^) that I wanted to skip it. But at the last minutes I still did it in my traditional Elsword CG, and it was surprise that I made it rapidly. Well, the reason was I want the K-ching Lol, and I did really received 1000 thanks to this. I used them and my previous K-ching for a costume for my dear Raven and buy a slot for my incoming Chung Seiker (I intend to do the job of Deadly Chaser when I get him). However, I still, in my opinion, hate Aisha very much, maybe the most imbalance character who is just good at spamming and trolling and without playing for real. So, that’s one of the reasons why I don’t like drawing Aisha, and if it’s not because of the K-ching… Yeah, I didn’t put so much effort into this.

And finally, this is my latest picture. Like I said above, I really like Nurarihyon no Mago, so I want to make some fan arts for this. And I want to draw Kubinashi, who is my favourite male character after Nura Rikuo. I think that guy is cool, not only his background story, but I like the way his head floating above his body *Lol* (he has no neck, of course). Quite creepy, but quite cute, especially when his head out of his body and rebound like a ball *lmao*. And his technique with strings is something that interests me. Well, it’s hard to believe a character with string attack can become one of the most dangerous, but this guy do and it’s impressive when he put his ‘Fear’ into strings to make them like chains. And, because of that, I like him (just to find a remarkable character here)

Well, from the previous time I drew Arez, I think I saw more in the style of Chinese brush, so I want to test here. At the first time, I drew this picture of Kubinashi as a doodle, but since I want to do something more, I put the lineart. And I was interested in it because the line with the random difference in thickness is like a practice with the wrist and to check the quality of tablet. Of course with an Intuos 4, there’s no doubt about the quality (it’s expensive like hell but it worths for my money^^). The main point here is the wrist. It creates the different pressures depended on how you control it. And I was excited. But because I haven’t done it quite often, it took time quite much. However, each time I do something new, I learn a lot, and I can make better and faster next time. So I think I just keep trying

Well, and I may color it in the new way if I have enough inspiration lol.

Oh, and the last thing is, Nurarihyon no Mago is a good series. If you like cool characters and a quite crazy and weird plot of demon, you should give it a try. It won’t make you disappointed.